Preparing the Vegepod for Spring!

As the weather gets warmer it’s time to get the Vegepod ready for exciting spring planting so you can be harvesting yummy veggies by mid-summer!

Here are our steps to getting your pod in tip top shape for the growing months:

Check your Vegepod is in good working order
For a great growing season you need to make sure your pod isn’t missing any parts so thoroughly check yours for missing hinge clips or maybe it needs a new mesh canopy if it’s a bit tired. You can find our spare parts online here or contact us for any other bits and pieces you might need.
Remove any old plants from autumn/winter
Out with the old and in with the new- time to pull out any previous plants that aren’t providing you with much harvest so you can make room for warmer season veg. Brassicas like kale and broccoli may have gone to flower because of the heat so harvest what’s left and pop the rest in the compost!
Replenish your current soil
We recommend topping up your existing Vegepod soil after every season to ensure you keep a good soil level and add nutrients for great veggie production in the pod.
Add well composted animal manure to your current soil and mix through with more premium potting mix- or you can add some of your home-made compost if you like too.
Plant it up!
Now the Vegepod has been prepared, it’s time for the best part- choosing your plants!
Dwarf tomatoes, chillies, capsicums, basil, bush beans, zucchini, dwarf cucumbers & eggplants are all veg to plant now along with your classic herbs and leafy greens like lettuce, rocket and spinach. Make sure you read the spacing recommendations carefully on the seedling label/seed pack so the plants have plenty of room to grow. We like to place them on the soil before planting according to these measurements to get an idea of what can fit and avoid overplanting.