How to sow seeds in the Vegepod

Watching seeds grow is one of the great joys of gardening and growing them in the Vegepod is so easy to do! Seeds are mother nature’s propagation packages. They’re tough, resilient and generally need very little by way of environmental control to thrive.

The standard Vegepod cover will be adequate for seedlings, as it’ll keep away their biggest threats - predators, such as possums and snails. Some veggies and herbs are also much more successful when planted by seeds as any root disturbance might affect their taste and growth, including carrot, dill, coriander, beetroot and radish, so we would recommend growing them from seed.

When sowing seeds in the pod, we recommend directly sowing your seed straight into its final growing position in the Vegepod. For large seeds, such as dwarf beans and peas, simply push each seed into the mix to a depth about twice the diameter of the seed (i.e. about 2-3cm). As an extra insurance policy against dud seeds, plant two seeds in each hole and space them about 10-15cm apart.

For finer seeded plants such as carrots, tomatoes, and capsicums, create a shallow furrow with a stick or pencil. Then pour some seed into your hand and with the finger and thumb of your other hand take a pinch of seed and distribute it as evenly as you can in the furrow. Once the seedlings germinate and are large enough to handle, you can thin them out and either discard any extras, or you can transplant them to fill any gaps in the Vegepod or your outdoor garden beds.