Tunnel Houses vs. Vegepod Raised Garden Beds

If you don’t have much space in your garden or only have paved areas, a container garden like a Vegepod is the perfect way to add some beautiful greenery, herbs, or veges into your outdoor space. Even if you do have a large green space, a container garden can be one of the best ways to plant herbs and vegetables – or even flowers, without having to dig up your yard. If you’re interested in becoming a container garden novice, we’ve outlined some top tips to help you start the perfect container patch using our Vegepods.

Some key things to consider:

Tunnel houses or hoop houses provide a lot of space for growing, which is great for vegetables as they can get large without restriction. They are good at protecting your plants from wind and rain and therefore provide great growing conditions. However, realistically, tunnel houses and hoop houses are big and bulky, not the most attractive, and can often require lots of maintenance.

The covers for tunnel houses and hoop houses need to be replaced approximately every 4 to 5 years, assuming the cover stays intact that whole time. Issues with birds pecking, cats and dogs scratching causing rips and tears, or too much sunlight causing deterioration, make it difficult to predict when the covers need changing. Given the size and scope of the covers, repairing and replacing can be a very difficult and expensive process.

Another issue you may want to consider with tunnel or hoop houses is that ventilation is much harder to control and get right. They are notorious for becoming too humid, which can eventually cause plants to rot.

Vegepods however, have easily changeable covers, that are inexpensive to replace. They also have controlled ventilation through the permeable mesh that mimics the advantages of a tunnel or hoop house concept – the arched canopy, and therefore protects from wind and rain, but also protects against harsh UV and pests. Vegepods achieve this with a much more advanced, commercial grade polyethene knitted mesh cover like no other.

Our struggles with a tunnel house led us to Vegepods, and we hope our experience and advice here will save you from making a possibly costly choice. We love our Vegepods and we’re certain you will too!



Tunnel houses or cloches require lots of space to cater to growing major amounts of plants, which makes them difficult to relocate or move around. They can often also require lots of maintenance when the cover or structure begins to rust or deteriorate. They don’t have the best ventilation and accessories and up-keep can get very expensive.

If you want to plant lots of veggies or just a small amount, Vegepods have different sizes. If you have limited space, Vegepods are compact and easy to move. If you sometimes go on holiday, don’t worry! Vegepods are self-watering. If you want to tend to your plants, not the tunnel house, greenhouse or planter itself, then a Vegepod, or two, or three, is for you! And with little to no maintenance required, you’ll wonder why you didn’t invest in a Vegepod sooner!

Features: Benefits:
Small, Medium and Large Sizes Fits in all spaces & can plant a little or a lot!
Raised Container Garden Bed Elevated garden beds keep the plants away from pests on the ground.
Self-watering wicking system Waters plants from below and has a high-volume irriga- tion system. No more worrying about your plants when you’re away!
Polyethylene knitted mesh cover Allows light, air and rain in, but blocks from harsh UV and pests.
Accessories: wheels, stands and more. Can easily move your Vegepod on wheels, or work at height with stands.
Click here to learn more about Vegepods.